A Clean Cup

I've been disturbed in my spirit because of certain messages
One minister will preach and say NOT the fasting of food but the fasting of Isaiah 58 of taking care of the oppressed
Another preacher will say NOT outward holiness but inward holiness
Still another will say NOT revelations but doctrine/ scriptures

It is sad that divisions are occurring because of different opinions. I just want to share my knowledge on it all, my hope is that this might help someone who is confused to find clarity.

I'm going to use personal examples.

There was a time when i was fasting (the fasting of food) and someone send me a video message of a pastor who was teaching and saying true fasting is found in Isaiah 58 and its not the fasting of food but the taking care of orphans and widows.
I knew the video was intended to discourage me from fasting food

There was another time after i made my choice to clean my wardrobe of short, tight & see through clothes and also fake hair, jewellery and makeup and by God's help i replaced those with long skirts and dresses and products to help me nature my natural hair, skin and nails.
Then a leader in the church spoke at a conference and said, "Who told you that to go to heaven you have dress in long skirts....?"
He was not speaking directly to me but i could sense a message meant to discourage women who dress in long skirts and dresses

Then in another instance as i began to share the revelations i have had from God. Revelations concerning the Coming back of Jesus, Baptism, Dressing & Prayer. Most of the revelations i have received through dreams. Then some messages shared by man of God via Whats App were discouraging the sharing of dreams saying just speak the Word.

All this made me wonder.
As much as the ministers are encouraging the fasting of Isaiah, inward holiness and the Word of God as recorded in the Bible; how come they are discouraging the fasting of food, outward holiness and revelations?

Is the one better than the other
Is not all of it from One God?
Then i searched more about it and came to the conclusion that all of it is important.

Here is why

Truly Isaiah 58 gives knowledge of the kind of fasting that God requires from us. The fasting of sharing with others, the fasting of doing good to others, the fasting of defending the cause of people in the margins and so forth. This is truly a fasting that pleases God.
Yet there is also a fasting of food, water, sleep etc
We know that Jesus Himself practiced fasting of food and water forty days and forty nights before He began His ministry. Luke 4:2 ......And in those days He did eat nothing......
We also know that Jesus disciples didn't fast when they were still with Jesus and a time came when they failed to deliver a boy in bondage and Jesus told them that that kind could only come out from prayer and fasting. Mark 9:29 And He said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing but by prayer and fasting.
There are more examples of fasting of a widow who served God in the temple with fastings and prayers night and day (Luke 2:37)
And of Cornelius who received a divine visitation when he was fasting (Acts 10:30)

So then let us embrace all types of fasting whether it is the fasting of Isaiah 58 or the fasting of food. Both fastings originate from God. If you love to fast food but do nothing to take care of marginalized people i encourage you to continue with the fasting of food but add also the fasting of helping those who are sick, abused, oppressed, hungry and disadvantaged in society.
Same applies if you love to help the marginalized and you are active in advocating for the empowerment of  the oppressed but you can go for months without a day or days that you fast food, now i want to encourage you to also embrace the fasting of food, embrace both and watch God do great things in your life and the lives of those around you.

Then to the issue of holiness. Some will say Inward holiness. Others will say Outward holiness. Still others will say Social holiness.
I say all of it!

Inward holiness is the phrase people use to mean a good heart. Sometimes people go further to say, God looks at the heart and this is absolutely true (1Samuel 16:7). I fully support Inward holiness. In fact the greatest command centers on a heart that loves God and neighbor. Therefore it is important to have a good heart. Notice that the command to the heart is that it may Love God and Neighbor this means a good heart is one that is fully devoted to God and the things of God, a heart of integrity, a heart of worship to God, a heart of absolute reverence to God, a clean and blameless heart. All of this is achieved by the help and leading of the Holy Spirit who instructs us in the things of God.

Outward holiness is usually shunned by those who embrace Inward or Social holiness. It is shunned because it is regarded as not important. People will say God looks at the heart and not the outward so there is no need for outward holiness.
Those who practice outward holiness are nicknamed, Holier than thou, Jesus freak, Pharisee etc
This is so because those who practice outward holiness profess the holiness of God on their outward person in the way they dress, the way they talk, their mannerisms etc.
With Inward holiness, a person cannot easily tell if a person is a believer or not unless they engage discussion with the person but with outward holiness even before a person talks to someone they already have a hint that, this person must be a believer because of what they have seen.
And this pleases God because we are His ambassadors.
People should see Christ in us in both our inward and outward.
Let that which is our heart reflect on the outside also. The cleanliness of the inside should help to the clean the outside.
Outward holiness when done with the right motive considers others in love, in order not to put a stumbling block on another person's life. Some people have become adulterers not because it was in their heart but after looking at a man or women dressed seductively their eyes lusted after them. Some people of other faiths like Judaism, Islam, Hindu, Bhuddist etc who have high value for modesty cannot join Christianity because they cannot see what is in your heart they look at the outward and they see Christians dress in tight, seductive, figure hugging, reveling clothes like the world and they think if that is what Christianity is all about then let me stick to my own.
Let us resolve not put a stumbling block on anyone through our outward appearance

Social holiness is more like the fasting of Isaiah 58. It is a demonstration of God's holiness in the lives of others through active actions that have transforming powers.
It is a demonstration of our faith in a Holy God through Holy lifestyles in our communities and nations. People who practice social holiness are social justice fighters. They have the heart of Christ to see those in the margins empowered.
People who practice social holiness are usually hated by those who hold power like government people, business people etc. This is because these people usually confront powerful people demanding for justice for the afflicted.
Social holiness pleases God because like the Prophet Micah said.... what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly..... Micah 6:8
Let us embrace social holiness even as we also embrace inward and outward holiness.

Moving on to the last but not the least issue.
Its not a new thing for a person to receive a message from God in a dream, a vision or an audible voice. God spoke to Joseph in dreams so much that his brothers nicknamed him a dreamer.
God spoke to Prophet Samuel in an audible voice when he was still a young boy. Ezekiel saw vivid visions of God. Joseph was warned in a dream to flee with his family.

God does all these according to His pleasure.
Those who receive dreams are compelled to share for the encouraging or rebuking of others. The dream is admittedly not above the Word of God for we see in part.
Those who receive visions are also compelled to share them
Those with the Word of God are compelled to preach it, teach it and to put it into practice.
All of this is from God

So let no one silence you and keep you from sharing what God has given you whether it is a dream, vision or Word. It is all from God and to be able to use it to the Glory of God we need the help and the leading of the Holy Spirit.

A clean cup

You have probably wondered why i titled this post ‘A Clean Cup’
I believe when we embrace all the above then we are likened to a clean cup.
If a cup is clean inside and the outward is dirty then that cup is a dirty cup
Likewise if our hearts are blameless but our outward is profane and worldly then we are ultimately unclean vessels.
If a cup is clean on the outward but is dirty on the inside that cup is a dirty cup
Likewise also if our appearances to others are clean but our hearts are filled with all kinds of evils we are unclean vessels
If a cup is clean both on the inside and outward then that cup is truly clean, so also if we put effort to rid ourselves from all filthiness in our hearts or on our bodies we become clean vessels ready for every good work.
....Dearly beloved, let us CLEANSE ourselves from ALL filthiness of the FLESH AND SPIRIT, perfecting HOLINESS in THE FEAR OF GOD -  2 Corinthians 7:1

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