Rest for the weary

Are you tired? There is rest!
Are you overwhelmed? There is help!
Are you discouraged? There is comfort!
Are you hurting? There is grace sufficient to get you through!
All this and more can be found in Jesus Christ alone.

Any help outside Jesus is worthless and lifeless so then cast all your burdens to Jesus for He cares. Tell it all to Him in prayer for He cares. It may seem as if the Lord does not hear or care because you have prayed about it over and over. You have done all you could do and yet no help is found for you.

I cannot promise you anything but I can only remind you of the promises of God so that your faith may be lifted.
1.       You are not the only one. I know that this is not comfort but it is the truth, every believer faces trials and challenges but thanks be to God who leads us in triumphant procession.
2.       God loves you more than anyone and anything can. God is compassionate and caring. This is His love that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.
3.       God is there with you. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalms 34:18
He says if you go through the waters & fire, He is also there.
4.       It is not over yet. What is impossible with man is possible with God meaning with God there is no dead end or checkmate. God is able to do exceedingly above, beyond and more than we can expect or think

If God can do all things then why am I still suffering?

This is the question on many people’s tongues, minds and hearts. 
I can give many reasons why but the major reason is because God considers your life more important than clothes, food, good health, marriage, a job, school fees, house, friends etc. Your life is much more important than anything you have or can ever have.
It is the very reason the Son of God suffered so much including death on the cross. So that we might believe and receive life; not just ordinary life but Eternal Life.
Jesus told His disciples to rejoice not because demons were obeying them but to rejoice because their names were written in the Book of Life.
Paul also spoke and said, “Lay hold to eternal life...”

So then us being human, we forget easily what is most important but God being God, He reminds us that there is no profit in living happily ever after;  trouble free in this world and yet lose your soul and be eternally condemned to hell fire.

Another reason why you may be suffering is you are refusing the correction of God. The Holy Spirit of God and the true servants of God convicts us of sin and remind us of judgement in order that we may repent for the forgiveness (washing away) of our sins. But those who refuse correction and refuse to repent from evil acts perish. Accept the Lord’s correction and rebuke; don’t hold on to the vile and unworthy things of this world: the very things which destroy and causes a person to stumble

“GOD IS MIGHTY, BUT DOES NOT DESPISE MEN; He is mighty, and FIRM IN HIS PURPOSE. He does not keep the wicked alive but GIVES THE AFFLICTED THEIR RIGHTS. He does not take His eyes off the righteous; He enthrones them with kings and exalts them forever. BUT IF MEN ARE BOUND IN CHAINS, HELD FAST BY CORDS OF AFFLICTION, HE TELLS THEM WHAT THEY HAVE DONE – THAT THEY HAVE SINNED ARROGANTLY. HE MAKES THEM LISTEN TO CORRECTION AND COMMANDS THEM TO REPENT OF THEIR EVIL. If they obey and serve Him they will spend the rest of their days in prosperity and their years in contentment. But if they do not listen, they will perish by the sword and die without knowledge. Job 36:5 – 12

Please refer to my previous posts to understand more.

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