Oh Tree, Where are your fruits?

There is something that scriptures teaches us concerning being fruitful. By the Grace of God and His wisdom I want to unpack the message of being fruitful. To do so I will refer to scriptures on the subject.

Green leaves but no fruits

One day Jesus was hungry and went over to a fig tree so that He may find fruit to eat but there was none. Jesus then cursed the tree and by the next day the tree was already withered. Full story can be found in Mathew 21:18-22.
From afar Jesus could see green leaves on the fig tree. He went to the tree thinking He may find fruit to eat but there was no fruit not even one.
As I was researching about the fig tree I found out that a fig tree forms its first crop of figs before the leaves appear. And so the fruits can appear first before the leaves meaning when the leaves appear, the fruits would already be there so Jesus was not wrong in expecting fruit.

A Christian can likewise show signs of fruitfulness when in actual fact bearing no fruits. A Christian who is only a Christian by appearance is in danger of becoming cursed and withered. The Pharisees are an example, they dressed in priestly garments, memorised scriptures and followed religious acts of Sabbath, tithing and ceremonial duties.
Please hear me well, they were not wrong to do so. What was wrong is that IT WAS ALL FOR A SHOW. IT WAS ALL DONE TO BE SEEN BY OTHERS. They had green leaves which is very good but they lacked fruits which is very bad.

To see the Kingdom of heaven, our righteousness must surpass that of the Pharisees meaning we should have green leaves but we should excel and have fruits also. Whatever we do should be for the glory of God.

Of Age but no fruits

Jesus told a parable of how a man had planted a fig tree in his vineyard. For 3 years the man looked for fruit from his vineyard but found none. The man told the caretaker of the vineyard to cut down the tree because it was using up the soil for nothing but the caretaker asked that the tree be given 1year so that he might dig around it and fertilise it. If after it produces fruit then well and good and if not then it will be cut down. Full story can be found in Luke 13:6-9
When I was reading I found out that a fig tree usually takes 2 years and then it begins to bear fruit. So this fig tree was late in producing its fruits. Likewise most of us have known Christ for a long time. 

From the time we received Christ, we have been chosen that we may produce fruits. Some people can boast of 50 years in Christ which is noble except if it is just age without fruits. The question is as old as you & me are in Christ are we fruitful?
The saving grace for this tree is the caretaker who pleads on behalf of the tree. This is the Holy Spirit of God, Christ Himself and other believers who intercede on our behalf and as such God has extended mercy but it is time to produce fruits in keeping with repentance and righteousness and Holiness by the Holy Spirit.

A Fruitful Tree

A Christian bearing good fruits can be compared to a fruitful tree.
A Christian who walks in love for God and man, showing kindness without partiality, shunning all manner of evil, hardworking- never idle, disciplined, honest, honouring parents and elders, willing to share all good things with others, obedient to God’s commands, patient, speaking words of encouragement and correcting what is wrong, self-controlled and not addicted to anything, prayerful, fasting often, humble not proud and boastful, ethical, resourceful not wasteful, modest not extravagant, pure, innocent, merciful, bold to declare the power of God, peaceful and not violent, imitating God and not the ways of the world, seeking righteousness and holiness, compassionate, repentant, fearing God, hearing from God, seeking God’s will above one’s will, principled and following what is good.

Whatever is good, whatever is worthy, whatever is just and whatever was commended by God and man of our forefathers; that constitutes a number of the innumerable fruits that Jesus Christ is looking for in today’s believer.

Mathew 3:8  Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance

Philippians 1: 11 filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ--to the glory and praise of God.

Galatians 5:22 -23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control...

Ephesians 5: 9 For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth

John 15:5 "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

Psalm 1:1-3 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.

On a different note, please read this important message so that you may share with your loved ones, Click here

God bless & help us to be fruitful

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